About Us

portrait pensive young girl making notes Gurtech India Private Limited

About us

Gurtech  is a web design and web development company founded in Mohali in 2023 and an early adopter of cutting-edge technologies, including progressive web apps. Gurtech has helped hundreds of organisations from small startups to large multinational businesses, providing high-quality Web design and digital marketing services.Prosols specializes in website design and development services. Our web experiences are high-performing, feature-packed and digitally transformative, designed to be user-friendly, fully functional, very secure and able to scale as your enterprise grows. 

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At Gurtech we take a proactive approach towards adopting and learning the latest standards in order to create future-proof designs and have developed applications, in-house tools, websites & other software solutions for clients worldwide, ranging from U.S. Senators to local takeaways and multinational corporations.

Our Philoshophy

Empor faucibus aliquam dictum in neque orci mattis sit. Orci ut risus arcu sed orci varius sit.

ourphilosophy Gurtech India Private Limited

We build powerful solutions customized for your business needs